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Corry Chapman, MD

Corry Chapman, MD
Family Medicine, Women’s Health
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Dr. Chapman is a family physician with experience in all areas of his specialty, including care for the very young to the very old. He has worked with populations as diverse as the Nuba people of central Sudan, the inmates at the DC jail, and provided concierge care for ambassadors and VIPs. He has extensive urgent care experience, telemedicine experience and OB and delivery experience (though he no longer delivers). He also provides care to patients with HIV. He is passionate about providing quality care to all patients regardless of ability to pay, as his entire career shows. He also thoroughly enjoys teaching students and residents, and was recently appointed a Clinician Instructor by Georgetown University’s School of Medicine. Dr. Chapman’s interests outside of work include art, travel, reading, cooking and spending time with friends and family.

Specialties Family Medicine, Women’s Health
Language English, Spanish, some French
Location Casey Health Center, East Glebe Road, Richmond Highway
Board Certification American Board of Family Medicine

Post Graduate Training

Residency: Family Medicine, Georgetown University, 2007 – 2009
Internship: Family Medicine, Georgetown University, 2006 – 2007

Graduate Education

MD, Georgetown University School of Medicine, 2006

Undergraduate Education

BA, George Mason University, 1998